What kind of output files can I expect?

The drone flies a predefined route and takes overlapping pictures of the area that is to be measured. This way data is generated for high-resolution and high-accuracy orthopictures , 3D models and point clouds. Sand heaps, landfills, stone quarries, mining sites, … are precisely measured and mapped. The gathered information can be used for volume calculation, project planning (eg road works, sewer works, etc). Orthopictures taken at different points in time are compared, allowing to show the progression of a project.

What software can my drone data be exported to?

Check out the GIS compatibility chart


High resolution 2D maps, ideal for enlarged prints for logistics, planning, and asset tracking.

Digital Surface Model

Use a Digital Surface Model to visualize elevation and terrain in a 2.5D* file.

*2.5 D means that every x-y coordinate has only one z coordinate.

Digital Terrain Model

A DTM is a DSM from which the ground features are extracted. This allows to have a surface that is representative of the ground layout on site.

Trees, containers, vehicles, …, are removed.

Point Cloud

Use point clouds to get a sense of the 3D context of your site in the most raw form (most real). From there, you measure features in a 3D environment without needing to work at heights or to go back on the field.

Mesh OBJ

Show team members and clients stunning surface detail and texture in the photorealistic 3D model. From here you’ll be able to extract volumes, areas and lengths. Having an accurate computation of the volume could for example help you save costs in soil treatment.

Contour Map

See elevations for your site and import the files into your other tools.

It’s GIS compatible : check out the GIS compatibility map.

How is it done?

Method 1 : Photogrammetry + GCP's

What is photogrammetry?

Photogrammetry is the science of making measurements from photographs.

The output of photogrammetry is typically a map, drawing, measurement, or a 3D model of some real-world object or scene. Many of the maps we use today are created with photogrammetry and photographs taken from aircraft.

What is a Ground Control Point (GCP)​

Ground Control Points are defined as points on the surface of the earth of a known location used to geo-reference data.

Place GCP’s around the site to survey
Prepare a flightplan
Fly the mission
Acquire data: Pictures are taken along the flight path
Process the data either in the cloud or on your desktop computer. The generated 3D model is geo-referenced at this stage by highlighting the (previously placed) ground control points.
Process the data either in the cloud or on your desktop computer. The generated 3D model is geo-referenced at this stage by highlighting the (previously placed) ground control points.
The data can be analyzed thanks to one or several of the datatypes cited above

Method 2 : Photogrammetry + RTK or PPK

What is Real Time Kinetics (RTK)?

Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite navigation is a technique used to enhance the precision of position data derived from satellite-based positioning systems (global navigation satellite systems, GNSS)

Prepare a flight plan
Fly the mission with RTK
Fly the mission with PPK
Acquire data: Pictures are taken along the flight path and are georeferenced at this stage in the scenario where RTK is used
Process the data either in the cloud or on your desktop computer. Pictures are georeferenced at this stage in the scenario where PPK is used.
Process the data either in the cloud or on your desktop computer. Pictures are georeferenced at this stage in the scenario where PPK is used.
The data can be analyzed thanks to one or several of the datatypes cited above.

Method 3 : Lidar + RTK or PPK

What is a Lidar?

Lidar (also called LIDAR, LiDAR, and LADAR) is a surveying method that measures distance to a target by illuminating that target with a pulsed laser light, and measuring the reflected pulses with a sensor. Differences in laser return times and wavelengths can then be used to make digital representations of the target. The name lidar, sometimes considered an acronym of Light Detection And Ranging.

Lidar explainer video
Latest technology includes the Faro laser scanner

Prepare a flightplan
Fly the mission with RTK. Data is acquired realtime along the flight path is are georeferenced at this stage in the scenario where RTK is used
Fly the mission with PPK. Data is acquired realtime along the flight path is are georeferenced at this stage in the scenario where RTK is used
Data is georeferenced at this stage in the scenario where PPK is used. Also the model can be cleaned and retouched.
The data can be analyzed thanks to one or several of the datatypes cited above.